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Garden Quartz Lodolite Crystal Point with Rainbow and Keys

Garden Quartz Lodolite Crystal Point with Rainbow and Keys

Regular price $34.99 USD
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Enhance your spiritual practices with this beautiful Garden Quartz mineral specimen. This crystal is also called Lodolite or Shaman Dream Stone (although we discourage this name). The inclusions can vary, but usually contain Chlorite, and come in a range of colors including green, white, brown, and earthy shades of red. For those spiritually inclined, this crystal's a popular choice for shadow work, lucid dreaming, and Astral projection.

This Quartz point has Starbrary etchings on some faces, as well as horizontal lines associated with Lemurian Seeds. Also really beautiful imprints from other Quartz growing nearby.

Specimen Size & Weight

Size: 2.15 x 0.63 x 0.53 inches
Weight: 17.9 grams
Origin: Brazil

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Specimens are best for:

Appreciating the natural beauty of the Earth
Least physically altered option
Crystal grid layouts
Display and decor
Most one of a kind option

Important information

Crystals are a natural creation of our Earth. They are a precious, non-renewable resource.

Our tumbled crystals are created by skilled artisans. They bear the marks of human handiwork and tools. We've chosen to honor these facts by not discarding crystals just because they aren't perfect.

Their natural flaws and blemishes are what makes them unique, and connects us all to each other. Your crystal may have natural caves, cracks, and uneven polish